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Put Your Home On Autopilot
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Here's What You Need to Know
Essential Mindsets for Setting Up Your Routines
Laminate Your Routines
Module 1: Daily Block Schedule
Choose Your Adventure
Create Your Daily Block Schedule (3:17)
Choose Your Mom's Day Off
Module 2: Laundry Routine
How to Create Your Laundry Routine (7:17)
Laundry Routine Options for Different Lifestyles
12 Tips to Getting your Laundry Done Quickly and Easily
Laundry Routine FAQ
Module 3: Kitchen Cleaning Routine
Create Your Kitchen Cleaning Routine (4:20)
Module 4: Mom's Morning Routine
Create Your Morning Routine (6:17)
Morning Routine Examples
Module 5: Mom's Evening Routine
Create an Evening Routine for Mom (2:29)
Evening Routine Examples
Module 6: Implementation
Implementation Day
Module 7: Weekly Rhythm
What is a Weekly Rhythm and Why Create One?
Create Your Weekly Rhythm (3:11)
Phase 2: Module 8 Implementing Chores Without Drama
Why Should Children Do Chores (1:56)
Should You Pay Your Kids for Doing Chores? (3:25)
What Chores Should My Child Do? (3:22)
Recognizing Effort Over Perfection (4:01)
How to Motivate Without Nagging (3:28)
How to Make Chores a Habit
How to Assign the Chores
Phase 2: Module 9: Kids' Morning Routines
Create a Morning Routine for Each Child (2:49)
Phase 2: Module 10: Kids' Evening Routines
Create an Evening Routine for Each Child (5:08)
Phase 2: Module 11: Implementation
Implementation Day 2
Phase 2: Module 12
Get Rid of Preconceived Ideas about Cleaning! (2:55)
Finding Your Cleaning Personality Type (3:00)
Organize Your Cleaning Tasks (2:53)
Create Your Weekly Cleaning Routine (5:17)
Additional Ways to Get Your Cleaning Done (2:20)
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How to Assign the Chores
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