Ready to Get Started?!

Hi, I’m Kassy!

When I first became a mom I was overwhelmed by all the things.

So instead of letting Mom Life get the best of me, I used my background in business to create routines and systems to make my life easier.

Now I want to help you do the same!

I'm on a mission to help moms live with less stress and more joy.

Why It Works

This course not only gives you the tools you need to create your Routines, but it also helps you build your habits at the same time.

Each Week of the Course Look Like This:

  1. Day 1: Watch/Read Lessons and Create Your Plan.
  2. Days 2-7: Implement the New Routines

Choose a Pricing Option

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: How long does the course take?

A: The course is designed to take 8 weeks or less.

Q: How much time per day will the course take?

A: Day 1 of each week will take approximately 1 hour to watch the videos and make your plan. Days 2-7 will be implementation days so it shouldn't take you any extra time those days. Instead, you should start saving time as early as WEEK 1!

Q: Is there a payment plan?

A: Yes, just choose the payment plan option!

Q: Is there a money-back guarantee?

A: Yes! I'm fully confident that this course will make your life easier, but if you don't see a difference in the first 14 days just ask for a full refund!